Things to Consider While Cleaning The Curtains at Home

Curtains are very important for maintaining the fresh atmosphere at home. And so it becomes all the more important to clean or sanitizer these curtains properly following proper steps.
In this article, we explore in detail various things we must keep in mind before curtain sanitization at home.

Some of these points are extremely crucial if we want to avoid any damage to our curtains while many others are good precautionary methods to keep your curtains clean and fresh!

Best Curtain Cleaning Service
Best Curtain Cleaning Service

Ever Thought About These Points Before Washing Curtains!

  • Have Shell Curtains?:

    Curtains which are extremely prone to tangling, so you must clean them without removing from the place where washing is to be done. This step is highly recommended for this category of curtains else we may actually end up damaging it even before the cleaning process starts.
    For doing this we must lay towels on the floor beneath the curtain cleaning in Melbourne, and hang a bedsheet behind the curtain fastened by hardware rods. Mix two cups of warm water to a few drops of liquid detergent and spray them liberally over the bedsheet. 
  • Washing Machine Good or Bad?:

    Now there is and will always be a huge debate on whether washing curtains in your machine and using the dryer is good for curtains or not? But as per the experts a quick washing machine spin quarterly keeps your curtains as fresh and new as ever. It also keeps the mood in your living or studies bright. Remember to not over spin as that may lead to the formation of wrinkles or cause stretches.
  • Dry-Cleaning is Most Important:

    In reality most of the velvet curtains available in the market may have strict specifications for treating them to dry clean. For such dry clean only curtains, it is best to take them to a professional dry cleaner. Also the same applies for curtains that are very large, heavy or extremely high on designing unless you are ok with wear and tears!
  • Dusting:

    Over the weekend it is good practice to shake over the curtains to remove the dust particles accumulated. Remember to remove all the clips, hooks and hardware attached to the curtains for avoiding any tears.
  • Cold Water:

    Coldwater is one of the best remedies for curtains soiled with dust. Soaking the curtains in it and handwashing using detergent is an excellent practice which must be done by all once a month. Rinsing the curtains in cold water usually works best for sanitising curtains.
  • Cotton Washcloths:

    Pieces of cotton washcloths should be used to wipe the curtains after washing them on the place. Leave them to dry and you are done.
  • Damp Curtains:

    Ironing out the curtain should be done when the curtain is still damp. What is also necessary is to make sure to stretch the fabric with hands gently on the wrong side lengthways to stop the seams from wearing out. Then hang the curtains to dry.
  • Laced Up Curtains:

    These curtains are very lightweight made up of sheer fabric which makes them prone to stretching. So it is a good idea to wash these curtains with hand and not use the washing machine. Using cold water and a teaspoon of detergent works best in removing the stains of the curtain.
Curtain Cleaning Service
Curtain Cleaning Service

In Case You are Still Not Assured Whether Which Method Would Work Best for your Curtains, Call Us

We  at Clean Sleep are always there for your help with curtain cleaning services. Our well trained and highly experienced professionals will not only provide you with the right assistance but also dry clean your curtains at very nominal costs. All that within the same day curtain cleaning services policy saving you from scheduling hassles and issues.

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